The Lymphocyte Infusion

It sounds like a relaxing cup of herbal tea, but really it’s a nasty little top up of donor cells that will help bring my new bone marrow up to 100%, as well as boost my immune system. So now you know!

This appointment has been in the book for a few weeks, and I hadn’t really thought much about it. Off we went to Southampton for our 12 o’clock appointment knowing that it would only take about 30 minutes once we got there. Wrong!!! We arrived early, to be told they were running late. Not a problem, we didn’t have anything planned – but it gave me time to dwell on the fact that I no longer have my line so they would have to put in a cannula. No doubt you will have already picked up that I hate needles, and this was hideous. Amy had three goes at my feeble veins, and with Zig holding my hand I held back the tears and felt very sorry for myself. Eventually she gave up and had to call in David. Bless him, Jane spent her day with him when she gave her cells and he was excellent. A bit of a jab about and he picked up the vein in my right hand!


Not Happy!!

Anyway, the lymphocytes came out of the portable cryogenics deep freeze thing and were a tiny dose that only took a few minutes to drip in once thawed out – but they are potent! There is a risk that they will fire up some more GvHD so I need to keep a careful watch over the next few days, but long term they will help everything, including fighting any bad cells – which is what my old blood couldn’t do!

There is a side effect though – the preservative used to store the cells stinks, and the smell is now oozing from my pores and breath and is apparently likely to carry on for about 24 hours. According to Zig it smells like a feshly opened pack of chopped liver. As if I didn’t feel sick in the first place.



I also had a good chat with Joan who kindly told me that I would likely have about four of these exotic infusions and, while rolling her eyes around, she said that Dr Duncan is not the right person to ask about having a drink. Well I did… so too late Joan! xx

The pre-med paracetamol and antihistamine knocked me for six a bit and I had a good doze on the way home, but I had cheered up a bit from the whole needle experience by then!


OK – not so bad!




2 thoughts on “The Lymphocyte Infusion

  1. You are looking fabulous, Lucy!!!,
    Well done! I would be such a wimp, so I constantly amazed at how you have coped with all of this!
    Happy Christmas to you and Guy and your family! Xxx

  2. Remember it well! Used to smell of sweet corn.
    Charlotte drove me for the first infusion & had to have the windows, all 4, open in her car for the 50 mile journey home.
    Glad you’re doing so well. Happy Christmas xx

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